Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Things I do While My Husband is Out of Town

I eat ice cream. As if it won't really pack on the pounds as long as I eat it when no one is watching. I'm pretty sure this is the first sign of an addiction. 

But, then, I buy exotic vegetables like canned Squash with Vidalia Onions. Or Triple Succotash with tomatoes, corn, and butter beans. Completely weird. I think the old-fashioned mixture reminds me of eating supper at my grandmother's house and what could be more comforting than that?

I watch chick-flicks. Although in my case the chicks are more like old hens. I prefer leading ladies who are seasoned, and I am currently enthralled with the PBS series Cranford. My poor husband only sat through Pride & Prejudice because it has that one scene with a herd of deer loping across the meadow. 

I walk the dog. Normally, I admire her from afar. She is a hunter and belongs exclusively to the master of the house. But, when the boss is gone I actually take her for walks in our neighborhood and pick up the offerings she leaves behind on the neighbors' lawns. Our bonding is a strange thing, I suppose. But, we both miss him so much when he is away. And I'm pretty sure nobody loves him quite the way we do.


  1. Ah, I totally understand! I seem to find small indulgences when Don is gone, as well as strange projects like moving sod :-)

    You're such a sweet, loving wife!! He's a blessed man!

  2. Hen Flicks!!! Laughing. Out. Loud.

  3. So funny! And I am now going to get some ice cream...

  4. The first time Kevin was supposed to go on an overnight fishing trip after we were married I came home from work, put on pajamas, and turned on the Lifetime channel. As I was sinking down into the recliner with my bowl of cereal for supper he came through the door. He had decided not to stay after all. My chick flick and low maintenance meal and clean up flashed before my eyes. I wondered if a good wife should have been more excited to see him...and I offered to cook him something to eat.

  5. Remember that talk about whatever you blog about usually happens? Well, I am sorry to say my dog chose your lawn to leave some "offerings" and I didn't have anything to clean it up with. Thanks Dudley.

  6. Can I just ask what succotash is, and why it feels the need to be tripled?

  7. Good question, Eleanor. When I was growing up, succotash was the name of two different dishes: one was a combination of pinto beans and corn. The other was a hamburger/macaroni/tomato dish. The version I purchased was of the vegetable variety. Tripling does seem a bit ostentatious for such a food.
